The Love The love is in eyes- some says, It is also in mouth with speech sometimes it is with emotion, After all it is expression of own feelings. One feeling with the absent of fault' on the destination of our love. We love, we share but more will be unwritten, With the false speech of mouth sometime leads to the combination of lives Truly that is love but not with the feelings of love. Love should be from our heart not by senses_ connected with the thinking of our mind. Speech from the mouth is just a mediator And expression from the eyes as a signal of love But what the love lead today is- not really a love with sense of respect for love. Love is sometime a jewel of youth but it also exists in the autumn age No matter who fall in love It must be with the aim of making peace Then to the culture of happiness. Now time has changed with the principles of love Starting of love is same with great affection But its record will be for a month or twice Love...
If there is no education there is no journey ahead.