I dream about you and yourself
One day with you at same home,
That you made in my empty house.
With the dream dreaming together.
And i dream about myself and my live
Sometime with the highest lust with you
In other days sharing the stories that went,
And mostly with the pride of future together.
But when does that mean come,
And when do i get the time to share you,
Of course sometime no time,
And dreams are dreaming alone.
So if i were a dog, Mr. Tubby
Who sleeep at your bed duo,
Who get your hands everyday,
And your kisses every minute,
Who gets beautiful looks,
Eye kiss, tight hug and lift,
Food from your hands everyday,
And care and love unending,
I would consider myself the best,
Blessed, luckiest and smart.
And that would never veils
Till to the till of my ends.
If i were your Tubby,
I would promise you with promises
The ring of love back towards you,
And i would never shit at your room.
I would love to keep the promises of:
I would never break you with tears,
Never leave you alone no matter what,
And will be loving you endingly.
Will go for walk aye,
Sing for you when you are sad,
Dance while you are desperate
And cry with your pain,
Ofcourse, would never go for finding romance,
Never cheat you with lies and words,
Would help you in every way of your living.
Afterall will be around you in all allows.
So does your Tubby doing all i wish?
And if he does, consider he got my mind,
So shall, if he is opposite to my wish,
You need to go find another Tubby.
Right Tubby of your heart,
And for the beauty of your live,
That never fails you into pain.
Good luck in finding one.
One day with you at same home,
That you made in my empty house.
With the dream dreaming together.
And i dream about myself and my live
Sometime with the highest lust with you
In other days sharing the stories that went,
And mostly with the pride of future together.
But when does that mean come,
And when do i get the time to share you,
Of course sometime no time,
And dreams are dreaming alone.
So if i were a dog, Mr. Tubby
Who sleeep at your bed duo,
Who get your hands everyday,
And your kisses every minute,
Who gets beautiful looks,
Eye kiss, tight hug and lift,
Food from your hands everyday,
And care and love unending,
I would consider myself the best,
Blessed, luckiest and smart.
And that would never veils
Till to the till of my ends.
If i were your Tubby,
I would promise you with promises
The ring of love back towards you,
And i would never shit at your room.
I would love to keep the promises of:
I would never break you with tears,
Never leave you alone no matter what,
And will be loving you endingly.
Will go for walk aye,
Sing for you when you are sad,
Dance while you are desperate
And cry with your pain,
Ofcourse, would never go for finding romance,
Never cheat you with lies and words,
Would help you in every way of your living.
Afterall will be around you in all allows.
So does your Tubby doing all i wish?
And if he does, consider he got my mind,
So shall, if he is opposite to my wish,
You need to go find another Tubby.
Right Tubby of your heart,
And for the beauty of your live,
That never fails you into pain.
Good luck in finding one.
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